Monday, August 3, 2009

Thing #11.5 - Evaluation

I LOVE Second Life. I really like SKYPE. I had wanted to use Skype but had not tried it. So now I have!!!!!!!!

Skype is a HUGE take away for me.

I appreciate doing this. Many of these things I had some familiarity with before doing this but it really pulls things together and gives me time to think about it and how I want to use it next year. However, a HUGE plus, when teachers are asking me how to do things that are one of the 21 or ll.5 things, the directions are there and they are easy to follow. I might walk them through something but I can point them to this and they have a place for more help and review when I am not around. That is a major plus.

Finally, I think the face - to - face days was a great bonus. Sometimes you just hit a wall with something and do not know why it is NOT working. The suggestion that I would make - have a blog or wiki where people can go and post a question. Then everyone can help each other out if they get stuck. This would be especially helpful if there was some notification of the group when a question was posted. Then someone who might be online could help.

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