Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Thing 12 part 2

I found two blogs about Pride and Prejudice that I commented on. Okay, what were you thinking I would look up blogs on - football???????

I will add one of my comments here and if I can back track to the other I will add it as well.
The first was at a site called
In the Shadow of Mt. TBR
mminYour comment is awaiting moderation.
This happens to be one of my favorite books. I did my senior thesis on Jane Austen and her books. I think P&P stands far above the others with S&S and Emma close behind. I to enjoyed all the verbal by play and the glimpses under the “veneerd” of gentelism that flowed through the book. I think that one of the reasons I was so drawn to Lizzy is because she seemed so very real - even Jane is a touch perfect for me. Lizzy has foibles but also a great heart. That comes through like a shining light and I truly enjoyed that aspect of the book.
However, the thing that I find fascinating through out all of the books is the look into the parlours of that day. The mores of the society are clearly deliniated although some are being bent if not down right broken. It is like taking a step back in time - like visiting Williamsburg or Plymoth here in the States.
I do value the psychological bits of the stories - but the pictures that it draws of that descrete period of English history is a wonder to behold.

And my 2nd post was at
musings on pride and prejudice

mmin //
July 2, 2008 at 2:40 pm
I do agree with you to some degree. I think that he was bored - but I think that it really camafloged the man that was underneath. I think that he was a better man but was hiding because of all that he was enduring with the “matchmaking mammas” of the ton. What I believe is that he did not realize how much he was hiding who he really was and how jaded and cynical he had become. I think that Lizzy opened his eyes to that. I think that happens to all of us to some degree. We know what we think and feel inside but we are not always aware of what we are showing on the outside. Lizzy bumped his vener and made him stand outside of himself and look again. That was not a pretty sight. I also think that it was to some degree his reaction to her rejection that also surprised him. When he realized how negative that was - it made him take a closer look at himself and ask why. When he did that, he was able to open himself up again and let more of his true inner self come out to the surface.

I have already stated that I was aware of the fan fiction - but although I was aware of some of the blogging about P&P I had not read many of those sites. This was a chance to look at a few.

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